Monday, 13 January 2014

Cloud Hopping: A short summary

While I am currently curled up in a ball crying because if the third episode of Sherlock, I remembered that I needed to write a blog post.
And so, I present to you a sorry of vomit, cold McDonald's, tiny wooden seats and stripping, otherwise known as Cloud Hopping.

It was December 2012. In the cold back room of the back where I do drama, were me, Joseph, Chloe, Ana, Sian, Izz, Matt and Rakeem. We had finally vision a script for the next drama festival and were ready to pay for it and also see whether we were able to perform it.

Two weeks later and rehearsals had begun. They were okay, but we didn't seem to be progressing anywhere as Sian hadn't been to any rehearsals, meaning I was having to read in her party Gill, who I ended up playing as well as the doctor.

It continued like this for months until that fateful day in early Match, just two weeks before we were many to perform the play. I was coming home from school and I got a text from Joseph saying that today's rehearsal had been cancelled, with no explanation as to why. Then the bbm came. IEEE was asking for a boy, who within two weeks was willing to play a major part in a play. That's when it had hit me, Rakeem had left the cast.

I got home as quick as possible, and ran up to the hall with my mum where Chloe and Joseph sat calling people trying to get people to play this post on such a small notice.

Long story short, we got someone, Sam, to pay the part, and I took over the roll of Gill, his girlfriend, in time to perform it two weeks later at the festival, where it won and award.

This is only a quick post to make up for the lack of them recently, however, there are many anecdotes within this that deserve their own post, so I'll leave this story here.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

My New Years Resolutions

Every year I aim to try and keep a certain amount of promises  that I make to myself, and every year I fail to keep these promises. However, this year I'm hoping to achieve keep these promises to myself. Of course these promises are just new years resolutions, which are infamous for not being kept, but this year I actually want to. And in order for me to do so, I am sharing them with you.

1. Procrastinate less. 
2014 is a very big year for me academically, as I am doing all my GCSEs and then stating my a levels. As I found out the hard way, I need to stop procrastinating otherwise I am not going to do well, hence this resolution.

2. Become fit. 
While this seems a very stereotypical resolution, it also has a personal side to it. I used to do ballet and since writing for years   ago, I have gained a lot of fast on my body, in comparison to how skinny and muscly I used to be, I also am not that for any more. My mum and I are doing this together as we are going to be doing the race for life this year as we know so many people who have been affected by cancer, from elderly family friends, grandparents, aunts and one of my close friends, one some of whom have made it through.

3. Become confident with singing. 
While this seems silly, it's quite important to me as this year my friend from my drama group will be leaving for university, making me the eldest girls under 25, which is the cut off point for the senior group. This means for the annual pantomime the society put on every year, there will be an opening for a girl this age to take the female lead role, which I am hoping, if my singing improves, I would be given this part.

These are only some of my resolutions, the rest being a lot more personal, so understandably I don't want to share them. This year I'm hoping that I will be able to fulfill these and unlike last year, it will be a lot happier and easier for all my friends and family.